2nd Australian Wind Engineering Society Workshop
20-21 February, 1992
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



Monash/RMIT joint aerodynamic noise and aerodynamic loading test facility
Saunders, J., Melbourne, W.
Force balance for Monash/RMIT aerodynamic test facility
Watkins, S., Saunders, J.
Extreme wind speeds during rainfall
Choi, E.
Wind design of a cruciform shaped mast
Mendis, P., Dean, B., Melbourne, W.
Interference torsional excitation of tall buildings
Zhang, W., Kwok, K., Xu, Y.
Free end effects on flow interference between two tandemly arranged circular cylinders
Zhang, H., Melbourne, W.
Preliminary study of wind loads on sunshade canopies of a tall building
Cheung, J., Melbourne, W.
Physical modelling of thunderstorm downdrafts by wind-tunnel jet
Holmes, J.
Convective boundary layer flows for dispersion modelling
Taylor, T., Grainger, C., Melbourne, W.
Monash University environmental wind tunnel
Grainger, C.
Wall panel design pressures in sealed buildings with ducted air-conditioning systems
Kavanagh, K.
Wind loads on roofs in regions of flow separation
Ginger, J., Letchford, C.
Measurement of the joint acceptance function in a grid generated turbulent flow
Sankaran, R.
Velocity/pressure cross-correlations on the Texas Tech buidling
Letchford, C., Iverson, R.
The positional effect of the reference dynamic pressure of full scale pressure measurements
Pitsis, N.
Instrumentation system for monitoring wind speed, direction and structural response
Banks, R.
Design criteria for reinforced concrete chimneys under vortex excitation
Vickery, B.
Along-wind response of free-standing lattice towers
Holmes, J.
Quality assurance in commercial wind tunnel testing
Cheung, J., Melbourne, W.
R.M.S. pressures from mean pressures
Paterson, D.
On the maximum over-pressure resulting from sudden window opening
Georgiou, P.
Interference effects between two different diameter steel stacks – A case study
Georgiou, P., McGowan, P., Fernando, S., Bottcher, C.

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